
5th Workshop on Robustness of Complex Networks

Robustness, the ability to withstand failures and perturbations, is a critical attribute of many complex systems including complex networks.

The study of robustness in complex networks is important for many fields. In ecology, robustness is an important attribute of ecosystems, and can give insight into the reaction to disturbances such as the extinction of species. For biologists, network robustness can help the study of diseases and mutations, and how to recover from some mutations. In economics, network robustness principles can help our understanding of the stability and risks of banking systems. In engineering, network robustness can help to evaluate the resilience of infrastructure networks such as the Internet or power grids.

The goal of this half-day workshop is to bring together theoretical and applied researchers, working on the topic of robustness of complex networks. The speakers will present their latest results and will carry out a discussion on the state of the art and current open challenges for this topic. We hope the meeting will provide an informal venue for encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration.

The workshop is co-organized by the "Network Architectures and Services Group" (TU Delft) and the "Broadband Communication and Distributed Systems Group" (University of Girona, Spain). It is the fifth edition of the Delft - Girona Workshop on Robustness of Complex Networks.

Workshop link: