Pere Vilà Talleda
After obtaining his degree in Computer Science Engineering (UPC, 1997) Pere Vilà got a scholarship at the University of Girona as full-time PhD student under the supervision of Dr.José L. Marzo. In 1998 he got a Lecturer position and started teaching while still carrying on the PhD. He did two pre-doctoral research stays, a 4-month one at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK) under the supervision of Dr. David Harle, and a 3-month stay at the Queen Mary University of London (UK) under the supervision of Dr. John Bigham. In 2004 he finished his PhD thesis entitled Dynamic management and restoration of virtual paths in broadband networks based on distributed software agents. In 2008 he got a position of Associate Professor (Titular de Universidad) at the University of Girona.
Pere Vilà is member of the Broadband Communications and Distributed Systems (BCDS) research group. This group is part of the Institut d’Informàtica i Aplicacions of the University of Girona. His interests and research lines are in telecommunications network management and control, quality of service, admission control, routing, network protection and resilience. He focused on this last line and he has participated in several research projects devoted to network protection, disaster recovery, network robustness, network resilience, etc. in the last years. Although his background is in telecommunications networks this research on network robustness can be applied in other types of networks such as distribution networks (water, gas, power, etc.), sensor networks, public transport networks (cars, buses, trains, etc.).
Pere Vilà has 25 years of experience in the research and technology transfer at university level. He has 3 recognized 6-year research periods (end-year: 2019). He has published more than 60 papers in journals and conferences, specifically 13 of them in indexed journals (JCR), 3 of them in Q1, with an h-index of 5 (WoS), 6 (Scopus) and 11 (G. Scholar). He has authored or edited 9 books/book chapters. He has co-advised 4 PhD theses and 3 Masters’ theses. PhD students Juan Segovia (Robustness against Large-Scale Failures in Communications Networks), Miguel Camelo (A Geometric Routing Scheme in Word-Metric Spaces for Data Networks), Carlos Lozano (Modelo de selección de un esquema óptimo de cooperación entre estaciones móviles) co-advised with Dr. Yezid Donoso from Los Andes University (Colombia) and Daniela Aguirre (Word-processing-based routing for Caylay graphs). Currently he is advising PhD student Miquel Farreras working on Neural Networks applied to network slices / edge computing.
He has participated as researcher in 6 three-year national projects (one as PI), several of them related with the network robustness and protection (GIROS, ROGER, TRION, M2R3); 7 national thematic networks; 3 other national projects; 5 regional projects; 7 European projects (EULER -FP7-, GRAAL and RECODIS -COST-, TIGER2 -Celtic-, GALECIA and EDIN and ESPANT -EU Socrates-) and 1 Royal Society project. With respect to technology transfer, he has participated in 3 contracts. Currently he is participating in an Erasmus+ project B-READI
Pere Vilà is an active member of the international scientific community, collaborating with other research groups, with well-known researchers, participating as reviewer or TPC member in several conferences and reviewer of several journals. He has participated in the organization of international conferences (e.g. IFIP Networking 2023, ICTON-2017 in Girona or general chair of SPECTS-2013 in Toronto - Canada). Specifically, he is member of the IEEE Communications Society and the Internet Society, and he participates as associated editor of the International Journal of Communication Systems (JCR Q3).
He has hold the position of Director of the Department of Computer Architecture and Technology of the University of Girona from December 2019 to December 2022.