Eusebi Calle Ortega
Dr. Eusebi Calle receives his PhD in Computer Science by Universidad de Girona (UdG) in 2004, and Award to the best PhD thesis. From 1997 he is a part-time associate in departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores de la Universidad de Girona and he is also Gestor de Tecnología Informática y Telecomunicaciones en el Departamento de Educación de la Generalitat de Catalunya in Girona. In 2009 he becomes Associated Professor (profesor Titular Universitario en el departamento de Arquitectura de computadores de la Universidad de Girona). From 2011 -2018 he is also the coordinator of the Computer Science studies.
He is part of the Broadband Communications and Distributed Systems (BCDS) group in Universidad de Girona - Instituto de Informática. His topic of interest covers Telecommunication networks: Optical networks, routing algorithms, network protection, complex networks, robustness analysis, etc. he has directed/codirected 5 PhD thesis, and write more than 60 papers in international congresses such as IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom, or specialized congresses in reliable network design such as IEEE DRCN o IEEE RNDM, etc.
He has also published several papers in international journals. Some of them are in the more relevant journals in communication networks, such as: IEEE Network magazine, IEEE communications magazine, Elsevier computer networks, or Journal of Optical Networking. Concerning the research area of Complex networks and network science he has also published in relevant journals such as Physica A, or Nature scientific reports. In 2014 he was also a Keynote Speaker in the RNDM 2014 with the talk entitled ‘Robustness analysis of networks under large-scale failures: drawing robustness surfaces. Currently he is TPC in different well-known congresses such as DRCN, RNDM, IFIP Networking, etc. He was also the TPC chair of OPTICS 201 and RNDM 2017.
He has participated in more than 20 national and European projects. He was the Main Researcher of the national projects: ROGER and GIROS, focused on network robustness analysis. He has been also IP in 2 national research networks in optical networks, and edge-computing: Go2Edge and ElasticNetworks. He has been involved in different European projects such as EULER or RECODIS (Cost). He has also been the national IP of 2 European Erasmus + projects: HINGE and B-Readi. He is currently very active in transversal projects, collaborating with ICRA (Institut Català de Recerca en Aigua) in 2 national projects ReuseMP3 and VIRWASTE.
Throughout his research career he has collaborate publishing different relevant papers with some of the most important research groups in the area: Universty of Kansas, Georgia Institute of Technology, Budapest University of Technology, University of Stratchclyde, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), North Dakota State University, etc.